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On the 1st-3rd of May, 2024, nPhoto's customer service phone lines will be temporarily unavailable.


  • New customer? Start here!

    Welcome to nPhoto, the home of the finest quality handmade albums!

    By registering for a free account, you will be able to purchase products and fully access our website. Please note that all potential customers are verified and verification may take up to 48h. We ask that you provide all the necessary details during registration to shorten the verification process.

    At nPhoto we work with studios, professional and aspiring photographers only. Before activating your account, you will be contacted by one of our sales representatives.


    Why choose nPhoto?

    nPhoto is a proud manufacturer of the finest quality photo albums and photo products for professional photographers and photography studios. Being the biggest printing lab in Europe with more than 600 employees and over a decade of experience in the photographic industry allows us to provide unique solutions and offer competitive prices to our customers. We are devoted to support and inspire creative professionals with handcrafted heirlooms and state-of-the-art printing technology.

    What is a Sample product?

    Sample products are products which are designed by you with your own images. A sample product can be a Photo Album, Complete Set, or any other printed product from our range. Sample products are products designated to be present in your studio and shown to potential clients. They are constructed no different than our non-sample products and designed by you in our free and easy-to-use Online DesignerTemplates, or our partners' software (FundySmart AlbumsAlbumStompDgflick). You sell what you show. So get to designing your samples that will be displayed in your studio for future clients to admire. More on our samples in the Sample Policy.

    What is a Demo Product? 

    Demo products are products that are ready-made and designed with our stock images. These products were created with you in mind and are meant as a selling tool to help you improve your business. Ordering a product from the Demo Product range allows you to have products such as the Demo Cover Pack or the Demo Paper Bundle on hand to show clients the possibilities of personalisation options. These Demos were designed in such a way to allow you to bring all of them with you to IPS meetings, so they are both handy and useful. 

    How many images can I use in my product/sample?

    You can order as many pages as possible in a given product so there is no specific limit (samples included). However, our graphic designers, who design templates daily, recommend limiting the number of images per spread to about 3-4. This is for aesthetic reasons and achieving the best possible photo presentation results.

    Where Can I find your Swatch Book and Product Catalogue?

    See the available materials in the Materials tab here. From there you will be able to purchase a tangible Swatch Book and download our Online Swatch Book. 

    The Product Catalogue and Swatch Book PDFs are available to download from the Customer Area under E-Book Library. Order the tangible products in the nShop under Selling Tools.

    I’m trying to design my sample product, but the images seem blurry.

    Our designing software, Online Designer, works with thumbnails so please do not panic if your images appear blurry. If there is anything wrong with the quality of your file you will be notified by our system.

    Where do I apply a sample/discount code?

    Promo codes are applied in the cart. Once you add a product to the cart and design it, the promo code section will appear. Upon applying your promo code, the discount will be applied automatically. Should the Promo Code not work, check the discount code's terms and conditions and verify the products in your cart. If the code is still not working contact your personal sales representative (their contact details can be found in the Customer Area after logging in) or